Our Imports Department is a one-stop shop for companies who are planning to bring merchandise into the United States. We have a team of experts who can help companies with all the necessary information to avoid delays with customs entries. Since Miami is a main hub for South America, most shipments that are coming from different countries are being imported through Miami. Also we can clear customs through any port of the United States as well and provide distribution to all 50 states, Mexico and Canada.
The documentation required by customs must be correct and complete in order to comply with their processes. Below you will find a list of the documents that must be received and approved by GCA prior to any cargo being shipped. Please keep in mind this a general guide, so if you need more information, please contact us. Depending on the amount and complexity of information that we have to gather, a fee will apply.
- Basic documentation for air imports:
- Commercial invoice of goods
- AWB – Air waybill
- Basic documentation for ocean imports:
- Commercial invoice of goods
- Bill of lading
- Packing list
- ISF (Importer Security Filing): Document to be filled out by the shipper or agent at origin so we can present it to customs three days prior to the sailing date. If this is not done on time, fines will apply. Click here to learn more
Did you Know? For most of the incoming shipments to the USA, a Customs Bond is required by CBP. There are two type of Bond: Single Transaction Bonds (STB) may be used to secure a one-time importation and Continuous Bonds (CB) cover multiple transactions.
For more detailed information please visit the following web site Continuous Bond and Single Bond.
If you want to learn and understand more about imports regulations, feel free to contact us. We would help you assisting you with your imports. There are certain regulations that we know based on our experience.
What is the merchandise processing fee?
The Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) for formal entries is an ad valorem fee of 0.3464 percent. The fee is based on the value of the merchandise being imported, not including duty, freight, and insurance charges. The maximum amount of the fee shall not exceed $497.99 and shall not be less than $25.67.
For certain countries MPF is exonerated, showing a Certificated of Origin which informs that merchandise was manufactured in the country it came from. Those countries are: Australia, Bahrain, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Israel, Canada, Mexico, Oman, Peru, Singapore, Colombia, Korea and Panama.
Source: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/11/01/2017-23876/cobra-fees-to-be-adjusted-for-inflation-in-fiscal-year-2018-cbp-dec-17-17
At GCA we care about making your business cost and time efficient. Let us guide in your customs clearance process. Contact us and we will advise you, taking into account your necessities and the nature of your business.
Below you will find some links that will help you to gather more information: