The E-Commerce Evolution

Artificial intelligence and automation are both becoming more and more important when it comes to e-commerce,” said Alex Timlin, senior vice president, verticals, Emarsys. “Brands online need to understand who their customers are to sell more effectively to those customers. But as more and more customers shift online through COVID-19, the harder it becomes for brands to make sense of the bucket load of data that consumers will be giving them. 

“Artificial intelligence and automation is helping brands to do all the hard work by segmenting consumers into new customers, existing customers, defected returning customers, assessing lifetime value of customers, and more. Using this information, brands can then set up targeted and personalised digital campaigns for each type of customer.”

“During lockdown situations, the best way to reach customers for most retailers apart from
supermarkets is online,” Timlin said. “What we’re seeing is that retailers who have both a physical store and an e-commerce site are using the latter to offset the losses from the closure of the former. And while that may not enable them to break even, it’s certainly helping the bottom line look less worrying.” Click on the following link for more information link.